ReportGenerator Choosing Guide
    There are some generators available in Nerval Reports and, although the choosing process could be trivial sometimes, some guidance in this could be useful. The first thing that you should think when choosing a generator is: which file formats I need my reports to be generated? Currently, Nerval Reports support creating .pdf, .csv, .html and .tex. Bellow is the matrix of target file format for each available generator:

Generator Target format(s)
csv-generator .csv
html-generator .html .pdf(*)
pdf-generator .pdf
tex-generator .tex .pdf(**)

* with html-pdf-flying-saucer-converter
** with tex-pdf-converter and TeTeX

    As you can see, the only point of doubt would be when you desire to generate PDF reports, which could be obtained by multiple ways. If you just want to export to PDF the best choice is pdf-generator. But many factors could influence your choose: performance, file size, available to install third party libraries or applications and multiple report format support with a single generator. The bellow matrix could be a guide to you on those questions.

Generator File size Performance File size (for large reports) Performance (for large reports) Depends on external apps
html-generator + html-pdf-flying-saucer-converter Normal Normal Normal Really Bad No
pdf-generator Normal Good Small Great No
tex-generator + tex-pdf-converter Normal Good Smallest Good Yes (TeTeX)