CSV Separator Tutorial
In this tutorial you'll learn how to use different separators for CSV generated reports.
    A comma-separated values (CSV) file is, as its name suggests a file with values separated by commas. Simple, right? Not so. For some strange reasons, some applications defined their own separators (sometimes even guessing you'll expect a different separator than a comma according to your local language). In the case you need to support a distinct separator to be able to always use the wrong-application, or if you just want to be like Uncle Bill and be cool using your comma-separated-values-not-separated-by-commas (CSVNSBC) file, you won't need to stop using Nerval Reports.
    The solution is as simple as inherit CSVReportGenerator class and override the function getSeparator() returning your needed separator.

public class CSVNSBCReportGenerator extends CSVReportGenerator {

   private static final String MY_NOT_COMMA_SEPARATOR = "_SEP_";

   protected String getSeparator() {

    As you can see, it returns a String, so your separator isn't restricted to be a single character one. Also, you can add any complex code to guess which separator to use according to the user's language you detected: getSeparator() is only called once per CSVReportGenerator derived instance (obviously, if it should be a common behaviour to all instances, you should set it statically and only call the check once per program use).