Paper Format and Margins Tutorial
In this tutorial you'll learn how to generate your report with other
paper sizes than the default and also to set its margins.
To change the paper format, you can use the function
setPaper inside document's head. There are some
ReportPaperFormats predefined at the core library in the
net.sf.nervalreports.core.paper.formats. If not defined,
your report will be generated with the
A4 as default. Let's
change to use a
Letter paper:
If you want to use a paper not defined at the core
library, you can inherit the
ReportPaperFormat, implementing
its abstract functions. The only mandatory are those who define
the paper dimensions in millimeters (
getWidthInMillimeters and
getHtmlName and
getTeXName are only necessary if you plan to support
HTML or LaTeX generation, in case the first one will be a string to be
used at CSS
@page size and the second one to be used at LaTeX
To change margins, you must call the function
setMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) also
inside document's head. Each element is defined in terms of PDF units
(an abstract measure used in terms of PDF creation), and defaults to
{12, 12, 12, 12}. Let's see the document's head definition
with the change to our margins:
reportGenerator.setMargins(20, 10, 20, 40);